How Do You Know If That Algae Is Toxic? Problem Harmful algal blooms (HABs) occur when certain types of cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, grow rapidly. Since some HABs produce toxins, it is important to know if your water is safe when a bloom occurs. The...
Aeration Installation & Maintenance
Oftentimes, water bodies can benefit from the introduction of an aeration system as an important part of an all-encompassing, successful pond and lake management program. ILM’s experienced aeration team in Illinois and Wisconsin can design and install a unique...
Service: Aquatic Plant, Weed, and Algae Control
Lakes and ponds are complex ecosystems, and a variety of factors can negatively impact the health of a waterbody—especially with the drastic weather changes that happen in Wisconsin and Illinois. A few of these factors include erosion and depth as well as internal and...
Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting
Problem: “The swimming area in my lake is overrun by underwater plants.”Solution: D.A.S.H. can get rid of the problem quickly and have you swimming comfortably in no time. If you live on a lake or pond, you know how nuisance aquatic plants can grow out of...
Mechanical Removal / Algae & Plant Removal
The physical removal of plant and algae material from your lake or pond has the benefit of providing immediate visual satisfaction while removing organic material from the water that would otherwise serve as a food source for additional aquatic plants and algae. By...
Nutrient Reduction
Nutrients are an important part of healthy aquatic ecosystems. They support plants and other aquatic life as a necessary food source. However, when there are too many nutrients, a variety of problems can result - including unsightly algae growth. Fortunately, there...
Sediment Investigation & Dredging
Sediment Investigation & Dredging in Chicago, IL & Surrounding Areas What is Sediment Build Up and Why Do I Need A Sediment Investigation? All lakes and ponds have a natural life span and fill up with sediment over time. Sediment accumulation can be...
Stabilization & Erosion Control
Stabilization & Erosion Control Chicago, IL & Surrounding Areas What is Shoreline Erosion? Shoreline erosion is a common issue in lakes, ponds, and streams in Illinois and Wisconsin caused by factors like wind, waves, ice, runoff and loss of shoreline...
Water Quality Testing
What is Water Quality Testing and Why Do I Need it? Lakes and ponds are complex ecosystems, and a variety of factors can negatively impact the health of a waterbody. Poor water quality has visible effects on a system and can be caused from sources such as excess...