There are laws in place to protect our waterways and wetlands. Various agencies help ensure different aspects of these laws are being enforced and that impacts to the environment are minimized during construction projects. This helps ensure that sustainable development can still occur while minimizing the risk of potential damage to the environment. Here in the Midwest, we are privileged to have ample water resources, but this means many projects will involve a waterway permit. Fortunately, there are ways to approach a project that allows for development to occur while minimizing impacts to these crucial components of our landscape.
An impact to a wetland or waterway can encompass a variety of activities. Some common projects that may require permitting include:
- Stabilizing a damaged shoreline or streambank
- Dredging accumulated sediment from a lake or pond
- Repairing a dam or culvert
- Placing a pier in a lake
- Placing heavy equipment in a wetland during construction
The permitting process surrounding wetlands and waterways can seem imposing, as different levels of government are involved for different aspects of the process. For example, a typical project impacting a wetland in Illinois may involve:
- The US Army Corps of Engineers, examining impacts to Waters of the U.S.
- The Illinois EPA, requesting sediment testing
- The Illinois DNR, reviewing for endangered species impacts
- County agencies, who may review erosion control plans
- Local governments, who issue building and grading permits
- Inspections during and following construction to ensure plans are being followed
ILM has decades of experience designing, applying for, and performing projects in aquatic environments. We have staff that understands current regulations and can help design a project that will achieve your goals while conforming to regulations. When you hire ILM to manage a project, we can draw on the experience and certification of our staff, as well as our partnerships with different agencies, engineering firms, and vendors to get your project done.
Contact Us Today to Learn More About Our Permitting Services.
Interested in more information about Integrated Lakes Management’s permitting services or looking for holistic strategies to care for your environment? Contact us today! We are happy to help you improve the beauty and health of your lake, pond, wetland, woodland, or prairie.