Stabilization & Erosion Control Chicago, IL & Surrounding Areas
What is Shoreline Erosion?

Example of an Eroded Shoreline
Shoreline erosion is a common issue in lakes, ponds, and streams in Illinois and Wisconsin caused by factors like wind, waves, ice, runoff and loss of shoreline vegetation that holds the soil in place. Soil is pulled away from the shore contributing to decreased water clarity, poor water quality, and the buildup of sediment. Protecting your shoreline will not only help with the overall health of your lake, pond, or stream but can also prevent the need for sediment removal or lake management down the line.
How to Stabilize a Shoreline

Example of a Buffer
Shoreline stabilization methods include buffer zones and rip rap.
Buffer Zone Installation
Buffer zones are a stretch of native plants, usually, a minimum of five feet wide, planted along the shoreline. Native plants have exceptionally deep roots, some as deep as fifteen feet, that hold the soil in place and prevent it from being washed away. Buffer zones can be very attractive and have the added benefit of filtering pollutants before they reach the water. They also provide food and habitat for native wildlife like bees and butterflies while detracting nuisance wildlife such as geese. When establishing a buffer, annual maintenance should be considered to ensure that aggressive, non-native plants do not take over.
Depending on the slope and the amount erosion that has already taken place, the buffer zone area may need to be graded before plants are installed. A gentle, gradual slope is best for native plants and excavation can often help us achieve these conditions. If the slope is severe, rip rap may be a better option for shoreline stabilization.
Riprap Installation
Riprap is large rock meant to absorb energy that causes erosion. Riprap does not create habitat like buffer zones, but it does offer long-lasting protection of shorelines, especially where wave action and ice are problematic. Riprap installation often requires permits, as adding material to waterways is regulated by governmental agencies.
Erosion and Compliance in Illinois
Erosion control is an important consideration for construction and stormwater control projects. ILM has decades of experience performing construction site erosion control for NPDES permitting, developing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), and filing for Notice of Intent (NOI) and Notice of Termination (NOT) with the IEPA. We also have Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) and Certified Professionals in Stormwater Quality (CPSWQ) through the International Erosion Control Association. Our Designated Erosion Control Inspectors (DECI) are available to inspect your construction project to ensure it complies with regulatory soil erosion and sediment control stands.
Contact Us Today to Learn More About Our Erosion Control Services
If you need help stabilizing your lake, pond, or stream shoreline, contact ILM today to schedule a consultation to discuss our erosion control services in Illinois and Wisconsin. We can also provide holistic strategies to care for your environment. We are happy to help you improve the beauty and health of your lake, pond, stream, wetland, woodland, or prairie.